Friday, November 30, 2007

The morning before

I'm not really sure where the title of this musing came from or what it is wanting to explain, but I'm going to leave it up there anyhow. Take that. Chew on it for a while. Spit it like camels do.

Yes, yes... I know it's been an actual month since I last posted that Peter Atkins quote up here and I completely missed the 2000th visitor to the site. I'm actually hanging my head in shame. Seriously... it's below the keyboard right now and if you like to try these things, that's hard to do. We (the managers of this site [actually it's just me {how many people remember the orders of brackets like that}]) actually like to think in orders of magnitude, so 2000 isn't that great. 10000 is the next big thang.

That still leaves me with a complete lack of things to talk about. I even wrote a musing somewhere around here that notes how hard it is to find things to talk about. So, no more of thaaat. Hmmm....

Okay. Lets play a game. I'll think of a word that most people should know. You have to guess the word. For each guess you give, you'll get a number of points depending on # of letters you get right irrespective of order. For example if my word is "LOSING" then you might guess "CLOSER," which would give you three points. "LOSERS" would also give you three points. "LONGER" would give you four points, whereas "GAMERS" would only give you two points and "MURDER" would get zero points. The points are cumulative and the person who picks the right word gets 10 points extra, the person with the most points wins and may get a beer from me. So, I'll keep score on this page as words come in by comment. If you want to play, just give me some initials (or random letters) to refer to you by.

I've chosen another 6 letter word and I'll even throw in a definition. (or two)
1: "a contributing cause in any action"
2: "one of the components that, by multiplication, make up a number or expression"

We'll see if people like this at all...

AH - "motive" - 2 pts
anonymous - "factor" is correct - 6 pts + 10 pts = 16 pts


Anonymous said...


Mike said...

Good! "Factor" is correct. We only had the two entries though, so we probably won't be playing that again. That is unless I get bored again.