Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lucy... you got some 'splainin' to do!

I suppose I owe you an explanation as to exactly why I went on the new drug, Avastin (bevacizumab [whatever you want to call it]).  So here's the explanation... and it's really not as exciting as you might think.

After my latest surgery I felt excellent.  They were able to put in an ommaya (type of drain), in which I could go in every week and have the pressure taken off.  I wasn't on chemotherapy.  I wasn't on steroids, I felt good, I was working out regularly, I was bored out of my mind, and things were looking good.  Hell, they were looking great.

Then, the ommaya stopped working because the drain tip (inside my brain) had become lodged in my brain itself.  They decided I didn't need my brain sucked out, so they stopped doing the drainage.  We made the decision that if my symptoms returned, they'd go back in and replace the ommaya.  Yikes... but I can deal with that.

A few weeks later the symptoms (inability to find words, bad handwriting... errr worse handwriting) returned with a vengeance.  True to form, they scheduled surgery and got an MRI.

However, the MRI didn't show the amount of swelling in the cystic part as one might think.  They discussed it in their little powwow they hold each week and thought surgery was a bad idea.  They felt that the swelling and inflammation was likely either due to the tumor itself acting up or simple inflammation from the radiosurgery they'd done a month or so earlier.  (My brain reacts slowly to radiosurgery... and everything else.)  Either way, surgery was off and they needed something to kill large numbers of blood vessels that feed the tumor and control the swelling.

Tadadedaaaa... there's just a drug for that!  It's Avastin.  Avastin is an angiogenesis inhibitor which will shrink the blood vessels.  Indeed, I just got a call from my neurosurgeon who looked at a new MRI and he said it shrank the blood vessels.  Furthermore, my symptoms have largely gone away.  Ain't science cool.

I take Avastin every 2 weeks by IV.  Again, I was most worried about nausea but fortunately that hasn't been a problem.  I don't feel great, but such is life with brain cancer.

The plan is to keep going with this until the end of October.  Then we'll take our best guess as to a) continue the avastin b) stop the avastin or c) stop the avastin and take another shot at the ommaya.  Who knows?  

Hmmm... I think that's it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael!
Sounds like they might be on to something. Glad you are feeling better. All our love.
Danny and Mary