Monday, October 6, 2008

auctions, circles, fishing, and pictures...

It's become apparent that the only way people can stalk me is through my blog.  This is even though I usually leave my blinds open and if you're lucky I'll dance for you.  Alas, even the guy above me has complained that I don't keep this thing up to date enough.  So, here we go.

I am in Chicago now and will likely do anything with anybody at anytime unless I'm doing something else with someone else at that same time.  Or I just don't want to, that'll prolly give you a thumbs down too.

I've been in West Virginia for a significant portion of September enjoying my family and the general fall weather.  We went up to visit Allegheny College in Pennsylvania to visit my brother.  I hadn't ever been there nor have I met his girlfriend who he's been going out with for a while.  In four years I felt I ought to go up there and meet someone once.  Call that a success.

On the point of side-trips, I had the intention of taking a trip south to western (not west) Virginia.  The Research Farm for the American Chestnut Tree, in which I have the upmost interest, is located about 5 hours south of our house.  And (insert Tina Fey) gosh darn it-pshew pshew, I wanted to see it.  So I put together a trip where I'd do some fly fishing, some birding, and take a tour of their research farm.  Well it turns out my one to two hours of fly fishing was so enticing it took all day.  By the time I got finished with that, there wasn't any time for anything else.  But if you want to do any fly fishing in southern West Virginia, I highly recommend Second Creek in Monroe Co.  Anyhow, fly fishing worked, bird and trees didn't.  No, I still didn't catch any of those gosh darn trout.  I felt like pshewing them, but I guess that wouldn't have been fair, not like those meese.

Back in Scott Depot, there's a really cruddy piece of property and house near where I grew up.  And I use the term "cruddy" kindly.  The previous owners defaulted on the loan and thus the bank owned it and wanted to auction it off.  So, a couple of our neighbors (including my folks) wanted to buy the property, let the fire department burn the house down for practice (apparently there aren't enough legit fires), and they wanted to build a neighborhood park.  I was more excited about the burning down the house, and perhaps the destruction of the foundation afterwards.  That would be awesome.  A smile comes across my face at the thought of it.  But alas, some dang flipper came in and bought it out from under us.  Or over us.  Well she paid more than our group could.  Phthtbtbthtb... no fire.

I'll leave the circles a mystery for right now.  They're keeping me from being bored when I have to stay in the apartment, don't feel good, or just want to stay here.  Confused yet?  Yeah, I usually am too when it comes the circles.  What can I say?  It's a mystery.  If you can figure out what the heck I'm talking about, I'll give you a prize.  A good prize.

As for the pictures... I have two for the blog that I took today.  Both are from Scoville Park.

Well... apparently only one will load.  I'll try the other one another time.  It's cool.  It's got bees.  Seriously.  Bees.

Well there ya go!  I finally got the thing to work.  The bees on the right are heading to a nest under the bush to the left.  This was actually hard to get.

That's all... thanks for stalking.  Oh, and props to my most distant stalker in Uganda right now, Justin List!  Stalk him here.



Unknown said...

Mom was trying to send a message, but couldn't log on. So now I've done it....

Mike said...

And still... neither of you left a message. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

I'll leave a message! Okay, here I go, stalking you: stalk, stalk stalk, stalk, I'm thirsty...

...okay, I just drank some Diet Coke. Now I'll keep stalking you: stalk, stalk...

...whoops, got distracted by final Jeopardy. And I got it right! Back to stalking: stalk, stalk, stalk, stalk, stalk, stalk, stalk, stalk...

...ooooh, the nice guy won Jeopardy. He's pretty smart.

Well, stalking you has grown rather boring, so I think I'll study for awhile.

I'm not entirely sure what I've written here. Does it qualify as a message?