Saturday, November 8, 2008


Last week's post was a bummer. Bummer bummer bummer. I do intend to volunteer, but I do have things to do which give me pride... a sense to giving. That's important--at least to me.

Erm... that's about all I have right now. I'll let you know what's going on when I do.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mikey -

I am so very grateful that you are willing to share your feelings. Just because I cry shouldn't make you feel that you should not write what is in your heart. Moms and Dads cry alot. That is what we do. Your ability to express yourself and your willingness to do so are a true gift to us all. I know that each of my days is more blessed because you are my son. Please continue to share your joys and sorrows, and have pride in the fact that you make all of our lives richer.

I will now look at your photo blog...

Love, mom