Thursday, March 26, 2009

ah the bloggg...

My poor blog... left all alone to rot in this silly remote corner of the internet where few people wander and zillions of programs play for my stuff. Sadly I've largely left it alone for a while, but since I just had an MRI and the point of the whole thing is to keep you up to date on all of that... so here I go... although it's reaaally late here.

I had the MRI about 10 days ago. I got the images myself immediately, but didn't yet have them "interpreted" by the neuroradiologist. The neuroradiologist saw the thing as did most of the other physicians and their interpretation is that the cyst is smaller but the tumor is slightly bigger. I'm not entirely sure what to make of this in my appointment with Dr. B last Monday. He honestly didn't know what to do either and promised to do research into what is out there. (This may seem disappointing to some, but he didn't claim to know what he didn't and he just got back from vacation. Two facts that I did like given his ignorance on the day of my appointment.)

Anyhow, so this coming Monday, our plan is to see Dr. B again and hopefully he'll be more clear, be the news good or bad.

That's all,


PS... Congrats to Laura and Matt tomorrow night!

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