Monday, March 31, 2008

Freakin advertisers...

Ya know... I don't watch TV a whole lot. I watch the news in the mornings. Sometimes if there's something going on in the national news I'll keep the TV on in the background as I write or I go about my business. Then, as I'm trying to get tired enough to go to bed, I'll watch some of the late shows. Cool.

Now, I understand that in order for me to get the high quality (hack hack... cough) programming that I demand, they need advertisers. I've never been delusional about that sort of thing. It's always been a careful balance between programs and advertisers. I like that... it's capitalism at work. God bless America.

But I HAAAATE some of the advertisements that they put up there. Most really don't bother me. If the ad's bad, I'm not paying attention anyway. If the ad's good, maybe something will stick subconsciously in my mind as I'm shopping. The biggest problem are the ad's I find so insulting that I FEEL THE NEED TO POST HERE ABOUT THEM!!!

So my plan is to make a list on this site of all the ad's that grind my gears for some reason or another. I hate these commercials and as a result I refuse to buy anything they advertise. And my mom, when I was in first grade, told me to never use the word hate, but I feel it justifies itself here.

Here's the beginning of my shikaka list.
Head On - I hate them. I despise every little spinoff of them. Their product sure as shikaka won't work for me... cause I will never, ever buy their product.
Comcast Fake Headline News - This is soooo irritating because I fall for their absurd line every time!! YOUR AD IS NOT BREAKING NEWS!!!

Well, okay, I feel better. If nothing else, it's nice to rant about what someone else is doing.

And, of course, there's absolutely nothing with regards to my health to report. That's particularly nice.


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