Monday, March 17, 2008


Well... okay. For all the curious cats out there in the world, the hard thing about this whole "transition" has been figuring out what exactly I'll do. Of course doing nothing is fine and dandy for a little bit, but it can only last for about 36 hours until the boredom and lack of prospects overwhelm me. And they do overwhelm me.

However, I can't get a job in the traditional sense because I expect it would cause the same problems that I had with school. That is, the fatigue, the time, the chemo and on and on. So... what do I do now?

I think I've settled into writing. I enjoy doing it, I get to work for myself, and hopefully I have some amount of talent. Great. I sit at home all day (or out in the community) but I'm producing something, I don't get bored, and I can set my own hours.

The only issues are a: there is no income until I get something published and b: people want to know what I'm writing about. They want to know a genre, a subject, a... well... anything. As of right now, I don't have any of the above. I'm trying to get myself used to writing by spilling whatever is floating around in my head out onto paper. I write a few pages a day (largely it's nonsensical) and occasionally they congeal into a logical thought. Sometimes it's fictional, sometimes it's non-fictional, usually it's a mixture of the two.

So, that's where I am now. The plan is to continue on until my money runs out or I publish something, whatever that may be.



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